Indonesia is a relatively big Asian country with almost 300 nationalities living in it. The core nation, Indonesians, have got an interesting culture and many old traditions. The major religion is Islam. However, the country cannot be considered fundamentalistic. Indonesians are friendly people, and Indonesian women are known as good brides for international husbands. We are going to tell you about the secret of the popularity of Indonesian brides and how to find your special Indonesian wife.
Best sites to meet Indonesian women:
Why Indonesian Women Are so Popular?
Indonesians are friendly and communicative. They would like to help a foreigner. Speaking with them, do not mention religious or political issues. Among other Muslim states, Indonesia grants its women a significant amount of liberty and democracy. However, the traditions and mentality of people differ from region to region.
For instance, the population of Bali island has preserved its Hindu traditions. The society there is very patriarchal. An Indonesian woman there cannot inherit any property and starts living with the husband’s family after marriage. After a divorce, she owns nothing. Children stay with husbands. Giving birth to a boy is a reason for great happiness. At the same time, a husband treats his pregnant wife with great respect and care.
The situation is cardinally different in case of Minanagkabau people, the core population of West and Central Sumatra. They are partially Muslim. However, the majority remains pagan. They got used to living with matriarchy. The marriage suggestion comes from the bride’s family. Indonesian woman there owns a house and men can be their guests for some time. In most cases, men live in community houses that are used as schools and churches.
Despite this great diversity of traditions, religions, and nationalities, Indonesian women are remarkable for their beauty. Their appearance might seem dull and mysterious at the same time. In most cases, Indonesian women are tiny. Their faces are small, with proper features. Small faces highlight the beautiful big eyes of Indonesian girls. Indonesian women tend to be skinny and graceful. An Indonesian woman must try to get flash. The skin of Indonesian women is smooth, silky, and pure.
Indonesian women compensate for everything they lack in beauty with gorgeous and fabulous outfits. One should visit Indonesia only for witnessing the clothes Indonesian women wear. They have got different outfits for all the holidays.

The wedding outfit of Indonesian brides is traditionally white. Indonesian women like to decorate it with golden accessories. Even the everyday outfit of a Muslim Indonesian woman is special. They make their hijabs to be light and colorful. The yashmaks are usually made of silk. Many semi-transparent fabrics are included in the outfits. Traditional dresses of an Indonesian woman are the best evidence of their Hindu and Buddhist past and the Islamic present.
Muslim religion did not affect the temper and character features of Indonesian women much. They are very friendly and communicative. In Indonesia, it is obligatory to shake hands with women. They might respond with a nod. Indonesian women grow in big families, with their mothers mainly. Indonesian girls learn how to master the house, to cook (unlike the other Muslim countries, in Indonesia, cooking is not an exclusive male duty), and to be obedient to their husbands. The mixture of Asian temper, colorful outfits, and a friendly character make Indonesian brides very attractive.
What are Indonesian Brides Like
Islamic traditions dictate Indonesian brides specific life rules and behavior standards. As we have just said, an Indonesian bride is obedient and caring. Islamic culture is patriarchal. Its women are valued as mothers and wives more than equal rights members of society. Many Indonesian women do not get higher education. They do not need it as they are not obliged to work. Plus, not every Islamic tradition is being followed. For instance, polygamy has not taken root in Indonesia. An Indonesian bride will not stand any signs of cheating. She will not let it herself, as well.
The situation changes, however, when an Indonesian bride leaves her country. Most Indonesian wives are ready to work and study. Years of deprivation cannot hide their potential. An Indonesian woman that has moved to her husband’s family can show her temper and be independent. She is likely to try herself in career building.
A friendly character of an Indonesian woman lets her make many new friends. You should get used to many guests in your house. Indonesian women are also very hospitable. They know how to please guests and will never dishonor their husbands. Like any other Muslim woman, Indonesian brides will not argue in public. An Indonesian wife will complain and make a row only at home, without any witnesses.
On the other hand, an Indonesian bride expects her husband to have full control over family prosperity. He must be able to provide family, to indulge his wife’s every whim (they are not plentiful), care about children, and solve all kinds of problems. Indonesian girls know that a husband has got incontestable authority, as well as all-embracing responsibility.
An Indonesian bride leaves her parent’s house with a significant marriage portion. However, only wealthy families can provide their daughters with the dowry. Indonesian girls from low-income families have to move to big cities and try their luck with foreigners. Like in other countries, Indonesian brides marry from their youth. The tradition of early marriages disappears but it’s still crucial for many Indonesian families.
Where You Can Meet Indonesian Brides?
Indonesia is a marvelous country for visiting. Make a trip there to find many hot Indonesian women. We suggest staying in the big cities. There, you can find more single Indonesian women waiting for international husbands than in village regions.
You can also try your luck with Indonesian mail order brides. On the Internet, they feel free to communicate with men. They are more open and friendly than in regular life. Plus, Indonesia is the most technologically developed country in South Asia. The culture of Internet communication is at its peak there.
Where to Meet Indonesian Women in Jakarta
How to Find a Reliable Indonesian Dating Website?
To find a good site with many Indonesian women, you need to follow some rules of safe online dating:
- Check the website for safety. A well-protected site uses HTTPS and several antiviruses and anti-malware programs. When you are on the website, watch for the push notifications and spam messages. Better leave the place if they exist.
- Also, a trustworthy website must have clear policies and guarantees. Read about your rights as a user, check the billing and money transfer services, and try to find the regulations of online dating. They must include recommendations concerning scam identification.
- To ensure your happy communication with Indonesian mail order brides, you need to take serious steps. Indonesian women can be amazed by big and romantic emails. Some of them feel free to turn on a camera for a video call. Also, you need a way to send your Indonesian girl different gifts and flowers. Reliable sites have this option, they must send the proofs to you.
- Finally, you need to find a site that specializes in Asian brides. Make sure that a site you have chosen has got Indonesia in the country list. To speak with genuine Indonesian mail order brides, you must have an option to exclude all the invalid users. A reliable dating service demands IDs or other documents that prove identity during registration.
You can get amazing experience from your online communication with beautiful Indonesian women, so pay attention and be careful when you choose a site.
How to Attract an Indonesian Girl?
For a foreigner, it is not difficult to find and attract hot Indonesian women in the big cities of the state or online. However, there are some peculiarities you should know about:
- To attract an Indonesian girl, you need to get respect of the head of the family first. Do not forget that Indonesia is an Islamic state.
- Indonesian women love gifts. Send them something beautiful. Hijabs do not mean that an Indonesian girl will refuse fine jewelry.
- Indonesian women are not likely to travel. Taking your Indonesian girlfriend to an exotic and unfamiliar country will amaze her.
- Indonesians treat food seriously. Sharing meals with everybody around is an honored tradition. For instance, in an Indonesian restaurant, you need to invite everybody to share a dish with you. You can take your Indonesian woman to fine restaurants, and don’t forget to admire her cooking.
- In Indonesian girl will like beautiful clothes. You need to make sure that she has enough money for shopping or enough materials for fancy-work.
- Indonesian women feel effortlessly with all foreigners. However, you will have a big advantage if you are a Muslim yourself or admire and understand this religion.
Attracting an Indonesian girl is not as difficult as it might seem. Apply some imagination, consider the traditions of the country, and recall our recommendations to be successful.