Vietnam has got diligent and hardworking population. This freedom-loving state has been protecting itself from all kinds of conquerors. Years of hardship united the Vietnamese nation. Nowadays, it can be proud of its virgin nature, unprecedented economic growth, and beautiful people. Also, it has given birth to many pretty women. Read this post to learn the secret of appeal and beauty of Vietnamese women. We will tell you why Vietnamese brides are an excellent choice for a single man.
Best sites to meet Vietnamese women:
Why Vietnamese Women Are so Popular?
Vietnam is not a state but a big friendly family. Hard times (in the 20th century, Vietnam spent 35 years in different wars) and continuous struggles have tempered Vietnamese people. They learn to help each other and act for the common good. Vietnamese girls know the different meanings of the word «duty». They would work hard, serve in the army, and run the house with the same zeal.
Diligence is not the only advantage of a Vietnamese woman. Vietnamese people show great respect to elders. Esteem for the ancestors has penetrated deep into all sides of Vietnamese life. For example, the Vietnamese language has about six different ways to address older people, depending on sex, age, relationship, and social status. The ancestors’ cult is a well-spread phenomenon in Vietnam. No matter what religion a Vietnamese family confesses to (most Vietnamese are atheists), it has got a household sanctuary devoted to ancestors. On holidays, Vietnamese sacrifice food and money to them.
The family and its values play a significant role in the lives of Vietnamese women, consequently. They grow in big families and learn how to respect each family member and relative. The fate of a Vietnamese girl was cruel in the past. They had to work hard along with men and do all the household duties at the same time. However, they managed to find their happiness in obedience and diligence. A Vietnamese woman is ready for the challenging years of youth. She knows she will get her reward in her old age.
The beauty of Vietnamese women is special and inimitable. They are short and slim by nature. Like other Asian women, they manage to preserve their maidenly prettiness for decades. You will hardly distinguish a Vietnamese girl in her 18 from a matured woman who’s turned 45. All Vietnamese girls try to protect their pale skin. Many Asian people considered paleness to be a feature of the aristocratic class. Its representatives did not have to work in the fields and always got somebody to hold their umbrellas. Lots of whitening cosmetics and remedies are a result of this tradition.
The history affected some features of Vietnamese character. Vietnamese girls are not as friendly as other Asians. They treat strangers with respect and a little bit of circumspection. However, if you manage to become a friend of a Vietnamese woman, her behavior changes immediately. She will always be ready to help. Once you become her guest, you will face unbelievable hospitality. Curious enough, the poorer the family is, the more hospital it is. Poor people are likely to give a guest the last slice of bread.
What Are Vietnamese Brides Like

Traditionally, a Vietnamese wife is obedient, hardworking, and caring. Vietnamese people have not got used to divorces. For a Vietnamese bride, it can be a real disaster. She will fight for the happiness of their marriage. She always aims to find a lifelong relationship, as well.
Vietnamese wives do miracles in kitchen. The country’s territory is small. A big part of Vietnam is covered with rainforests and mountains, where it is difficult to grow enough food. The national cuisine of Vietnam is remarkable for its resourcefulness. A genuine Vietnamese woman knows how to make simple boiled rice extremely tasty. Her husband will never stay hungry.
Vietnamese women are obsessed with children. To say honestly, it is a feature of the whole Vietnamese nation. They care about children, protect them from any danger, and give them the best. Vietnamese parents will wear very plain and poor clothes, but their children will be dressed in the best outfits. Vietnamese believe that a child’s soul is very tender and fragile. To protect it from malefice, Vietnamese do not vocalize children’s real names until they turn five or six. Till then, they give their children nicknames: Short one, Little one, First, Second (in case of twins), etc. A Vietnamese mother will do her best to make her children happy.
At the same time, Vietnamese brides are always ready to give birth to children. They do not consider motherhood their final destiny. They are likely to treat it like another duty to be complete. Having a lot of children deas not deprive a Vietnamese woman of working and caring for her husband.
We cannot call Vietnamese brides demanding. They got used to life in poverty. They understand that wealth is a result of enormous work. They are always ready to take part in configuring the family budget. In Vietnam, a woman is likely to establish a little enterprise in her home (usually they create tiny home restaurants or fancy-work workshops) if she cannot leave her house. At the same time, many Vietnamese women are not afraid of traditionally masculine professions. A woman working in fields or catching fish is a common sight in Vietnam.
Where You Can Meet Vietnamese Brides?
Vietnamese are a robust nation that loves their country. Vietnamese live in significant communities if they have to emigrate. You can find many Vietnamese brides in Vietnam. A trip there will always be a pleasant experience. The most significant Vietnamese communities are situated in China, Australia, Indonesia, and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
In the age of the Internet, it is easy to find a Vietnamese mail order bride. The Internet is not a big deal for the communist state (unlike China, they do not have the Great Firewall). Many Vietnamese mail order brides use dating services to meet and marry foreigners.
Where to Meet Vietnamese Women in Hanoi
How to Find a Reliable Vietnamese Dating Website?
On the Internet, you will find many dating services. To identify a reliable one, you need to check a few features:
- A site must include Vietnamese mail order brides available for communication. Exclude all the sites specializing in a particular nation or race.
- A dating service must be a secure and safe place. Find information about its protection measures. They must include antivirus and anti-malware protection, adequate terms of use and privacy policy, and secure servers (HTTPS). An excellent dating service will not send you spam. Also, it deals only with reliable and well-spread money transfer companies.
- A reliable website protects its users from scam activity. Try to find the regulations and recommendations concerning safe online communication. Speak only to validated users. In case of trouble, you must be able to contact the support team.
- Finally, make sure that communication with your Vietnamese mail order bride implies a wide variety of means. Trustworthy services turn on such options as sending emails, live chatting, video calls, and gifts.
Be accurate with your choice. A reliable dating website is the first step to your happy marriage with a Vietnamese woman.
How to Attract a Vietnamese Girl?
No matter if you date a girl from Vietnam online or offline, you need to consider her expectations and tastes. Here are some hints for you:
- Vietnamese girls dream about lifelong marriages. Never let her think that you do not treat her seriously. She must know that you are looking for marriage and family, as well.
- Respect her family and the traditions of her country. Vietnamese girls have pride and a feeling of patriotism. Never underestimate or despise her background.
- A Vietnamese girl, like any other, loves equal treatment. Show her your respect and admiration.
- Vietnamese people do not know the concept of personal space. In Vietnam, people always nestle in the public transports of elevators. They can look at your phone without a twinge of conscience. Friends like to walk hugging each other. A Vietnamese woman will not understand you if you will not be sincere with her. Do not try to avoid her.
- Vietnamese people are obsessed with food. Cooking something tasty or taking your Vietnamese girlfriend to a restaurant will amaze her.
- At the same time, Vietnamese women are very practical. Sometimes money is the best present for them.
It is not difficult to attract a modern Vietnamese girl. Many of them dream about marrying a foreigner. Be gentle and respect her to ensure your success.